Reference: 10127. 30mL.
G-1 provides the carbohydrates, amino acids and hyaluronan to support the embryo during the first critical stages of development.
Important nutrients supports the embryo
G-1 is a medium for culture of human embryos from the pronucleate stage to day 2 or day 3. The medium contains amino acids to support embryo viability and hyaluronan to improve development and cryosurvivability and to facilitate implantation.
G-1 also contains lipoic acid as antioxidant to protect the embryo against reactive oxygen species during culture in vitro.
Medium for culture of embryos from the pronucleate stage to day 2 or day 3.
Bicarbonate buffered medium containing hyaluronan.
For use after pre-equilibration at +37ºC and 6 % CO2. Supplement G-1 with G-MM™ or HSA-solution™.
Store dark at +2 to +8ºC.